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A series of articles on different parts of the body and exercise.  Read the latest below, also click the link for other articles

Feet and exercise

Hands and exercise

Where’s my waist?

Why is it that some people are so slim and have that perfect waistline, but most of

 us don’t.  There are several reasons some of which are:

  • Your genetics – what you have inherited from your parents/grandparents

  • Your age

  • Overeating

Unfortunately, we cannot change the first two, but we can improve our looks and find a waist even if it isn’t perfect. The last one, well again it can be improved, but most of the work has to be up to you. I don’t subscribe to any diet fads. By the way, the word diet is used as being a method to lose weight. Actually diet is just what we eat – it may be a healthy diet, and unhealthy diet, but it doesn’t actually mean if you are on a diet you lose weight, that is not the definition of the word. Sorry I digress, but before leaving that subject I would suggest that you limit the amount of sugar and caffeine you consume and try to eat a little less than normal at each meal. Do not starve yourself – the body will only react when you go back to your normal eating because it’ll be frightened of being starved again so will store as much as it can. Hence your weight loss and gain yo-yos.

Now back to our waist. Where is it? It is the area below the ribs and above the pelvis, where our bodies should be a little narrower than above or below the area. So, assuming weight isn’t your main problem what can you do to find it? It boils down to posture – body alignment.

As we get older, we slump into ourselves, generally people lose height and though that can’t be prevented the effects can be diminished. So, are you sitting at the moment? When did you last get up and move around? Sitting certainly does not help, but no I’m not saying you have to stand up all day but:

  • Get up off the chair, walk to another room, perhaps do something in that room, or just walk round it before you sit down again.  Try and stand up and be mobile for 10 minutes in every hour.  This will help your body generally, also keep you a little warmer as your muscles have to work.

  • Read this and then stand up:

    • Have both feet firmly on the ground hip width apart

    • Tighten your buttocks and draw your tummy back to your spine

    • Put one hand under your ribs at the front and draw that area back to your spine

    • Take the other arm up overhead and stretch upwards, lifting the ribs, once, twice, three times and then lower the arm.  Repeat with the other arm. (If you are unable to take your arm up overhead bend the elbow out to the side and lift it up until level with your ear and in so doing give an extra lift through the ribs)

    • Now relax and start again.  Do this all 5 – 10 times (build up if you need to)

Having done this simple exercise find a time every day to do it.

  • Then whenever you are walking anywhere draw back the tummy and the area under your ribs, drop the shoulders down, keep a long neck.

These exercises and habits will not give you an immediate slim waist, you may not feel there is any difference, but you will be walking taller, feeling more confident, your clothes will look better on you, so stride ahead and face whatever is coming to you.

You could try measuring your waist before and after the exercises to see if you can find a difference, or even after a few weeks.  Don’t get despondent though, it is how you feel that is more important than the inches

The next article to be published will be Specific exercises for the waist area - coming soon

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